Thursday, November 3, 2016


 Eighty percent of adults will experience low back pain sometime during their lifetime. Sometimes back pain may radiate to lower limbs and associated with numbness of legs.


Muscle strains. 

The muscles of the low back provide the strength and mobility for all activities of daily living. Strains occur when a muscle is overworked or weak. This is the most common cause for back pain

Ligament sprain.

 Ligaments connect the bones of the spine and provide stability. They can be injured with a sudden, forceful movement or prolonged stress.

Poor posture.

 Poor posture creates muscular fatigue, joint compression, and stresses the discs which lies between back bones.


 “Wear and tear” and inherited factors may cause degenerative changes in the discs (called degenerative disc disease), and degeneration of the joints of the spine (called degenerative joint disease).

Disc bulge or prolapse

 Can cause pressure on nerves, which can radiate pain down the leg.

Other causes 

Bladder/kidney infection, endometriosis, cancer, or ovarian problems.


REST: Rest from aggravating activity. Avoid prolonged sitting, driving, bending, heavy lifting and twisting.


EARLY EXERCISE: Gentle exercise for mobility and stretching

CORRECT POSITIONING-while walking, sleeping and sitting


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