Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Osteoarthritis of the knee

Osteoarthritis knee - Introduction

In the knee joint like any other joint end of the hard bone is covered by a soft bone called cartilage.
The soft bone or cartilage protects and cushions the joint.

In osteoarthritis the soft bone breaks down and the hard bone surface rubs against each other, this causes the pain.
In addition to the soft bone damage, the joint lining, ligaments and surrounding bone also get affected in the osteoarthritis.
At present there is no treatment that can reverse the damage of joints in osteoarthritis

Increase in age
Women over 50 years
Previous Knee trauma
Repetitive stress injury to knee
Participation in high impact in sports
Septic arthritis and metabolic disorder

Muscle weakness
Deformity of the joint
Reduced range of motion
Creaking and cracking

1.      Depend on the clinical findings (Tender, swollen, deformed joints, muscle weakness, cracking sounds)
2.      X-ray of the Knee joint
1.      Using pain reliving medicines
2.      Heat or cold application
3.      Weight reduction
4.      Exercises to strengthen the      surrounding muscle
5.      Assistive devices
        I.          Knee support
        II.          Walking stick
        III.          Shoe inserts
6.      Application of pain relieving medications
7.      Supplements – calcium, vitamin D, Glucosamine, Omega 3 fatty acids
8.      Viscosupplement Injections to the joint
9.      Joint replacement surgery


·        Understand the disease
·        Reduce pain while remaining active
·        Cope physically, emotionally and mentally
·        Have greater control over the disease.
·        Build confidence to live an active independent life.


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    Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis in the knee. You may checkout knee pain solution for best result. It is a degenerative,"wear-and-tear" type of arthritis that occurs most often in people 50 years of age and older, but may occur in younger people, too. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage in the knee joint gradually wears away.

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